# Events ```{raw} html
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``` You can subscribe to the calendar, e.g. in Outlook or Google Calendar, by importing [this ICS link](https://ics.teamup.com/feed/ksbqmbhymxdbu454aw/0.ics) to your calendar. You can also subscribe to a subset of events: - [Official events](https://ics.teamup.com/feed/ksbqmbhymxdbu454aw/13011531.ics) - [Other TRE events](https://ics.teamup.com/feed/ksbqmbhymxdbu454aw/13011530.ics) - [WG - Community management](https://ics.teamup.com/feed/ksbqmbhymxdbu454aw/13014371.ics) - [Working groups](https://ics.teamup.com/feed/ksbqmbhymxdbu454aw/13014372.ics) Here you'll find events the community is organising and engaged in. You can also find reports on past events hosted by the community, as well as a schedule of upcoming events and information on how to get involved. ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 2 wg_workshops/index ```