# UK TRE Community Governance and progress **Leads**: David Sarmiento (Turing), Hari Sood (Turing) ## Proposal ### Summary The UK TRE Community received funding as part of the [DARE UK Community grants call](https://dareuk.org.uk/funding-opportunity-dare-uk-invites-applications-for-funding-from-new-and-existing-community-groups/). This funding allowed for dedicated time from David (0.5 FTE) and Hari (0.5 FTE) between November and March to work on key community deliverables. The full funding application can be downloaded here - [DARE UK Community Groups Funding Application - UK TRE](https://zenodo.org/records/10593493) In this session, we want to dive deeper into the work we've been doing, and get feedback from the community. Specific things we'd like to cover include: - Feedback on the new [Community website](https://github.com/uk-tre/hugo-website) and resource hub - Feedback on the [foundational governance for the community](https://github.com/uk-tre/community-management/issues/65) - How to transition effectively back to an unfunded community (hopefully in the short term!) ### Required preparation None required, but reading over the links above (website and governance docs) would help the discussion. Those that want to can also explore [our public board](https://github.com/orgs/uk-tre/projects/1/views/1) that reflect the work done over this period ### Target audience Anyone interested in how the community is run!