# Day schedule ## 09:00 - 16:00 Monday 5th September 2022 Location: Room 2.16, [The Frederick Douglass Centre, Newcastle University](https://www.google.com/maps/place/The+Frederick+Douglass+Centre,+Newcastle+University/@54.972949,-1.625321,18z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x7ad7e5d4033f0a66!8m2!3d54.9731445!4d-1.625024?hl=en-GB&shorturl=1) Room open: 09:00 Day start: 09:30 [Code of conduct](https://society-rse.org/about/policies/code-of-conduct/) ### Mission To have a community space where people can collaborate on and communicate about TRE infrastructure ## Schedule | Time | Session | Speakers | | --------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------- | | 09:00 - 09:30 | Arrival (coffee and pastries) | | 09:30 - 09:50 | Introduction | Simon Li & Hari Sood | | | **Community presentations** :point_down: | | _09:50 - 10:30_ | _Organisational overviews_ | | | [ADR Scotland at EPCC](presentations/Organisational_overviews/Michael_Jackson_EPCC-ADRS-TRE-20220905.pptx) | Mike Jackson | | | HRA | Alan Smith | | | [SDAP](presentations/Organisational_overviews/Martin_OReilly_2022-08-05_-_TRE_Workshop_-_SDAP_intro.pptx) | Martin O'Reilly | | | [Microsoft UK for Precision Medicine](presentations/Organisational_overviews/Alessandro_Riccombeni_Slides_for_Turing.pdf) | Alessandro Riccombeni | | _10:30 - 10:35_ | Break | | _10:35 - 11:30_ | _TRE implementations_ | | | [Secure workflows for HPC](presentations/TRE_Implementations/Harvey_Richardson_RSECon22_TRE_HPE.pdf) | Harvey Richardson | | | [The Outbreak Data Analysis Platform](presentations/TRE_Implementations/Andrew_Brooks_ODAP_presentation_at_RSECon-TRE.pptx) | Andrew Brooks | | | [The Alan Turing Institute's Data Safe Haven](presentations/TRE_Implementations/James_Robinson_2022-09-05_Data_Safe_Haven_-_RSECon22.pptx) | James Robinson | | | [Sensitive Research Data Service](presentations/TRE_Implementations/Lucy_Cheesman_220905_TRE_Day_Sheffield.pdf) | University of Sheffield | | | [Design of a local TRE for process of patient records](presentations/TRE_Implementations/Thomas_Arildsen_20220905-rsecon-tre.pdf) | Thomas Arildsen | | | [The TREEHOOSE Open Source Cloud TRE](presentations/TRE_Implementations/Chris_Cole_TREEHOOSE_talk.pptx) | Chris Cole | | _11:30 - 11:45_ | _Using TREs_ | | | [Developing and Publishing Code for Trusted Research Environments: Best Practices and Ways of Working](presentations/Using_TREs/Ed_Chalstrey_TRE_talk_RSEcon22.pptx) | Ed Chalstrey | | | [Understanding researcher needs in TREs](presentations/Using_TREs/Meag_Doherty_TRE_RSE_slides.pptx) | Meag Doherty | | 11:45 - 12:00 | Morning wrap up | | --- | --- | --- | | 12:00 - 13:00 | Lunch | | 13:00 - 13:15 | Introduction for afternoon | | 13:15 - 15:00 | Unconference style breakouts & discussions | | 15:15 - 16:00 | Washup | ### Suggested topics for afternoon discussion - Community management & engagement - Best practices for publishing research done with TREs - Current uses for TREs - How to collaborate inside a TRE - Data ingress/egress mechanisms/controls/policies - Managing software development in a TRE - User experience in TREs - Open source infrastructure and collaborations - Cloud vs on-prem TREs - Secure workflows for HPC - Standardisation of deployments - Standardisation of information governance, certification & regulation ## Institutions represented - Aalborg University - The Alan Turing Institute - HPE - HRA - Microsoft UK - National Institutes of Health / Software Sustainability Institute Fellow - University College London / Hospitals Trust - University of Sheffield - University of Cambridge - University of Dundee - University of Edinburgh - University of Manchester - UK Health Security Agency ## Breakout discussion notes ### Session 1 - 13:15 - 13:45 1. [Community management](community-management) 2. [Standardisation of information governance, certification & regulation](standardisation-governance) 3. [Managing software development in a TRE](software-development) 4. [General Discussion](general) ### Session 2 - 13:50 - 14:20 1. [Community management](community-management) 2. [User experience in TREs](user-experience) 3. [Open source infrastructure and collaborations](opensource-infrastructure) 4. [General Discussion](general) ### Session 3 - 14:25 - 14:55 1. [Community management](community-management) 2. [Safe data linkage and quality control](data-linkage) 3. [Ingress/egress mechanisms/controls/policies](ingress-egress) 4. [General Discussion](general) ### Washup - 15:00 - 15:45